To learn more about how fat transfer can help you achieve the shape of your desire, call our office to schedule your free consultation.
Fat Transfer (Fat Grafting) in Houston, TX
Fat injection or fat grafting has been growing in popularity in recent years. The procedure entails removing fat from your own body and injecting it in the areas where you would like more fullness. In the process, you receive dual benefits of improving your contour through body sculpting and augmentation of the areas you would like to accentuate and rejuvenate. Fat for injections is most often taken from the abdomen, flanks, and thighs and transferred to the breasts, buttock, face, and hands.
Fat transfer to the face may be done as part of other facial rejuvenation procedures such as a facelift or as a standalone procedure. The main reasons for fat injections to the face are to diminish the appearance of wrinkles, deep grooves and scars or to add volume and fullness which is lost with aging.
Volume in the face is lost with aging and is most pronounced in the temples, cheeks, and lips. You may also start to notice deep and fine lines around the mouth, the chin, and eyes. Fat injections may help address all of these concerns without the use of foreign materials such as filler, but instead through the use of your own natural fat.
What Are the Benefits of Using Fat for Facial Rejuvenation?
- Minimally invasive procedure.
- Procedure performed under local anesthesia.
- Small incisions.
- Can be combined with other procedures.
- Your own fat is used (no foreign filler material).
- Fast recovery.
- Produces improvement in skin quality.
- Produces natural long-lasting results.
- It does not preclude from pursuing other surgical procedures in the future.
Many patients are interested in achieving a natural breast size increase with their own fat. Fat transfer to the breast may be performed to achieve a modest increase in your breast size and is ideal only when you already have a nice shape to your breasts and only desire some additional fullness. For larger breast augmentation, implants are still the best option. Breast lift procedure in combination with fat grafting or breast implants improves breast shape and may be needed in order to produce the results you are looking for.
Brazilian butt lift with fat injection to the buttock is a new hot procedure. If you are looking to improve the shape and roundness of your buttock, this may be an ideal procedure for you. Fat is taken from abdomen, flanks, and thighs through body sculpting liposuction and injected into the buttock to produce your ideal shape. If you are extremely thin, it may be difficult to harvest enough fat to produce the fullness you want with this procedure. Women undergoing Brazilian butt lift should be at their ideal weight and maintain their weight for long-lasting results.
Are your hands giving away your age with wrinkled thin skin and the unsightly appearance of tendons and veins? Injecting fat into the hands adds volume and corrects the appearance of aging. Additionally fat helps to improve skin quality making it thicker and healthier thereby rejuvenating your hands.
What to Expect During Fat Grafting Consultation?
Dr. Bachilo will discuss your goals and expectations from a fat grafting procedure. She will examine your areas of concern and evaluate ideal areas for fat harvest. Dr. Bachilo will recommend a surgical plan that will best produce your desired look and explain your procedure in details including any risks involved.
How Is Fat Transfer Done?
The procedure is performed in an outpatient surgery center under general anesthesia or under local anesthetic in the office, depending on the area of treatment. Small volume fat grafting to the face and hands may be done in the office and take about one hour. Larger volume fat grafting to the breasts and buttock is done under general anesthesia in a surgery center and taking 3 to 5 hours.
Where Is Fat Taken For Fat Injections?
Fat for injections may be removed from a number of areas and Dr. Bachilo will discuss this with you prior to your procedure. Most often areas for fat removal are the abdomen, flanks, inner and outer thighs.
How Is Fat Harvested?
Fat for injections is removed using the liposuction technique. Different methods may be utilized depending on the amount of fat needed. When a large volume of fat is harvested, power-assisted liposuction (PALs) may be used and has an added benefit of helping to contour the body.
How Is Fat Prepared for Injection?
A specialized technique is used to prepare your fat for injection back into the body. Fat may be washed and gravity or a centrifuge may be used to separate the fat from remaining fluid. Currently, there is no consensus on which method works best, therefore, your surgeons will use a technique that provides the best result to her patients in her hands.
How Is Fat Injected?
A small or large syringe is filled with the fat and a needle or a blunt tip cannula is used to inject the fat. Fat is injected deep and more superficial to produce the desired shape and effect. The surgeon will massage the area to distribute the fat evenly.
What to Expect During Fat Transfer Recovery?
Bruising and swelling are expected in the liposuction areas and injection areas. Pain from the procedure is minimal. You may use ice to alleviate pain and swelling over the injected areas and a light compression garment over areas where fat was taken. Most of our patients return to work in just a few days.
Fat Grafting Results
You will see improvements in your appearance immediately, however, some of the fat and swelling will settle down over time so your final volume will be slightly less than immediately after injection. Final results will be apparent in 3 to 4 months after a fat grafting procedure. For additional volume, a repeat procedure may be done 3 months later.
Ready to Take the Next Step?
Who can benefit from a fat transfer procedure?
What are the dual benefits of fat grafting or fat transfer?
How is fat transferred from one area of the body to another?
How does liposuction work to sculpt problem areas?
How much does a fat transfer procedure cost in Houston, TX?
What areas of the body can benefit most from a fat transfer operation?
What types of results are possible with a fat grafting procedure?
What can I expect after the procedure?
How long do the results last?
How many fat transfer procedures will I need?
Do I need to gain weight for at fat transfer procedure?
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Mon-Fri 9am-6pm