If living with Erectile Dysfunction or Peyronie’s Disease has made your sex life a nightmare, wake up to a new state of health and vigor with the effective natural P Shot® treatment provided at Glamour Plastic Surgery and Med Spa. We are located in center of Houston just 27 minutes from Pasadena and 9 minutes from West University.
Priapus Shot® (P-Shot®) in Houston, TX
Imagine getting a larger penis by using platelets and growth factors from your own blood plasma to grow healthy new tissue, producing a 10-20% increase in both girth and length, with no pain, no possible allergic reactions, and no side effects! Sound like a fantasy? Well, that fantasy is now a scientific reality: the non-surgical P-Shot® Erectile Dysfunction Injection does precisely that!
This revolutionary new male enhancement treatment uses blood-derived growth factors to rejuvenate the penis, increasing not only penile length and girth but also improving the intensity of your erections and erectile function, enhancing both function and sensation.
Living with Erectile Dysfunction (ED) or Peyronie’s Disease (PD) can put tremendous stress on a man’s life, either by affecting his self-esteem, sexual function or directly affecting the quality of his sexual relationships. Finally, there’s a safe and effective solution for both of these conditions in the form of a natural, simple injection treatment known as the Priapus Shot or P-Shot® Erectile Dysfunction injection. This treatment is now available at Glamour Plastic Surgery And Med Spa In Houston, TX, under the medical direction of Notable Plastic Surgeon Dr. Olga Bachilo.
How the P-Shot Works: The Science Behind the Magic
As far back as 2003, an article published in the Journal of Urology discussing potential treatments for erectile dysfunction suggested recent research findings that injecting vascular growth factors into an animal’s penis can trigger new blood vessels and new tissue resulting in a bigger and harder penis. In another study conducted in 2010, a research team at the University Of California School Of Medicine injected stem cells derived from adipose tissue into the penises of diabetic rats. The results were improved erectile function, sexual wellness, and an increase in the number of endothelial cells in the penis’ erectile tissue, known as the corpus cavernosum. Notably, the team concluded that the stem cells’ growth factors were responsible for the improvement in penile volume. These growth factors are of the same type as those present in huge quantities in the PRP used in the P-Shot®.
Growth factors not only induce healthy growth in normal cells around the treatment site, but they also repair damaged cells and stimulate new cell growth as well as healthy growth in areas affected by scar tissue, correcting the characteristic painful curve in patients with Peyronie’s Disease, often restoring normal sexual function to men who suffered from an inability to perform intercourse.
What to Expect From the P-Shot®
Because of the presence of these potent stem cell growth factors, Platelet Rich Therapy (PRP) Therapy with the non-surgical P-Shot® male enhancement injection can produce a 10 to 20% increase in girth and length in the penis. First, the patient will get a simple blood draw, and then using a centrifuge to separate the red blood cells from the plasma, Dr. Bachilo then injects the P-Shot® using an ultra-fine needle directly into the corpus cavernosum and into the head of the penis; similar to many other injections used to treat erectile dysfunction. But don’t worry, the injection is completely painless, and there is no downtime.
The volume of the actual platelets and serum (or water) in the blood, plus the growth factors released by the activated platelets, cause an initial increase in size and volume in the penis. Over the next two to three days, the body will absorb some of the water from the injection, and volume and size may temporarily decrease again slightly; however, growth factors soon trigger the growth of new tissue that will typically continue for a period of about three months, which will return the size of the penis to a volume similar to that achieved initially after the injection. By improving the size and firmness of the penis, PRP also naturally improves sensation, even in patients who have undergone prostatectomy.
Ready to Take the Next Step?
What is a P Shot?
Who is a candidate for Priapus Shot?
Are P Shot injections painful?
What results and length gains can I expect with P Shot?
How much does P Shot cost in Houston?
How many P shot injections do I need?
How long does the P Shot procedure take?
When can I return to work after Priapus Shot injection?
When will I see results after the P Shot?
What is the success rate of P shot?
How long do the P Shot results last?
What are the risks of P Shot?
Looking for P Shot Special in Houston?
How is the P-Shot administered?
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